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Eggs'n Things - Hawaian Chicken Plate and Peach Mojito [食べ物のこと]

Monday, June 12, 2017

Today was fine weather.

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[Eggs'n Things]
Today's place for dinner was Eggs'n Things.
I ordered Hawaian Chicken Plate,
Hawaian Chicken Plate and Peach Mojito
Hawaian Chicken Plate and Peach Mojito

And Peach Mojito.
Hawaian Chicken Plate and Peach Mojito

Hall staff, was a cool young man with fluent Japanese.
Hawaian Chicken Plate is his recommended menu.
# FYI, I'm not a BL. LOL

BTW, Squeezing the lemon a little, it gave me more delicious taste with an accent.

There was a surfboard decorated in the store.
The flow of time was slow, like a fan turning slowly overhead.
It was very tasty and enjoyable!

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Is Gate 2a on my left side, IKR?!
Hawaian Chicken Plate and Peach Mojito

# SRY, today, I will close the comment section.


nice! 111

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